On Air.

The show had a strong script that was evident from the start of the show, the technical stance at the start had my levels lower but was swiftly changed when the show went on air. There was evidence of a strong dynamic between the presenters which allowed the opening que to flow smoothly allowing the opening of the show to have the ability to start off in an exciting way. Although there was evidence of good scripting it was proven that there was slight uncertainty when it came to reading out for the show, unfortunately providing the speech to feel somewhat static, even though the presenters applied a sense of excitement. The show progressed from presenter chat onto a que into Vox pops that had information about people opinions on beards, this was an interesting vox as it had a combination of different ideas as well as being well recorded and interesting to listen too, this vox then lead in nicely to the interview.

The que into the interview flowed smoothly and allowed a good transition from live broadcast into pre-recorded material. The interview with Luke’s barber shop managed had a strong start and was gripping from the beginning, however there was an obvious echo throughout the interview that could have been somewhat eliminated in editing. Although the interview was engaging and managed to contain interesting points about trends within the craft, it began to drag and presented the idea of lack of effective editing due to the answers both of the interviewee being extended and could have been edited to become more concise, as a whole though the interview was relevant and interesting. The que back in from the interview provided a correction of the pronunciation of the name of the town that the shop was located, this may have been an unneeded correction from the presenters however it was potentially required.

Presenters re-join the show and create a descriptive explanation of the shop as well as presenting an ideal amount of enjoyment for the interview and the interviewee. This then had a good link in with the social media, mentioning links too the show as well as offering photos from the interview applying the idea of interactivity within the show and the listeners and offered them the opportunity to comment onto the page with their own opinions of the subject. This then lead into the first song choice for the show. This as a relevant song as it was related to the discussion topic and provided.

The song ended and then lead into a live guest interview, this was a good place to have the interview as it managed to create a more energetic feel to the show. The interview was badly queued in by myself and lacked the appropriate introduction that was essential when introducing live quests, this was due to the lack of the appropriate que within the studio. The other presenter then managed to introduce the guest effectively and progress onto the interview. This interview lacked interest and progressively got more boring as it continued, this was due to the lack of appropriate questioning when it came o the topic of the show, there was too much focus on the interviewee as a person as apposed to their relevance of being within the studio, although this provided the feel of good research into the guest is meant that the interview lacked importance. Although the interview did managed to progress onto trends and actual fashion knowledge, it was too little too late. The interview then began to forget that it was on radio when the guest was asked “what was she wearing” this proved to be a pointless question due to the inability to actually see what she was wearing. This could have been saved by a reference to potential social media posts that could have ben put in place. This interview dragged and then progressed onto an over extend than you and good bye between the interviews and the interviewee that felt uncomfortable when listening too. There was then a que into another pre-recorded interview.

The pre-recorded interview was with river island and was about trends that were happening within the store as well as the high street, this had relevance due to the high streets name and the ability to provide listeners with something they could relate too, however this interview did provide some issues, Due to the location of the interview and the obvious use of the shop floor it meant that there was music recorded on location. This was then created issues when the interview was edited as you could hear the jumps in the music where the interview had been cut. Although technically it was a problem it didn’t remove the reliance of the information.

When the interview ended the presenters came on too fast afterwards and provided a rushed feel however this was saved by the mention of an in studio interaction. The inclusion of the on air sewing project was something that instantly proved to be interesting. It was engaging and interesting and provided the show with the idea of presenting itself to the older generation due to the sewing machine being used. This “mini” interview added extra enjoyment and was a good transition out of the interviews that had taken place before hand. The presenter to guest conversation provided a sense of normality and was a welcomed brake from the pre recorded content that had been provided before hand. The idea of nostalgia was well played when discussing the age of the sewing machine, and the involvement of social media was also beneficial to the section.

After the conversation with the “guest” ended the presenters progressed onto more general discussion about fashion including an in depth discussion of the other was wearing. This was interesting and descriptive and applied the idea of familiarity with the presenters allowing the looseness to feel at ease due to the presenters humour with each other and the ability to joke about the other. Unfortunately this then did begin to get off topic as, especially with myself due to the response to questions concerning mown attire as it was evident that here was other opinions and enjoyment behind the clothing worn and this began to get really off the topic of fashion. However it was brought back swiftly and effectively due to the connection between the off topic discussion onto style icons, which then progressively lead onto the next interview with a fashion blogger. This was a good que and it was evident that it had been scripted well, however this differed from the interview that followed.

The interview with the fashion blogger had unfortunate technical issues, it was evident that either there was a bad connection between the interviewee and interviewer as the quality of the audio was lacking and was of bad quality or that the levels hadn’t been appropriately done. Due to the quality it meant that the interview then proved to be in more difficult to listen too, this was unfortunate due to there being good question and interesting answers from the interviewee. However this interview again dragged and meant that it became progressively harder to listen too s it went on. This was a shame is it was proven to be an interesting and relevant interview.

This then progressed onto a great Sting followed by another song, this song was lady Gaga fashion. I felt that this came in far too late in the show after the first piece of music because of the heave content between the sections before hand it meant that the song was a relief rather then enjoyment.

When we came back into the show, there was issues with levels, one of the presenters seemed too far aways, as there was different levels when I twisted and turned to other quest in the studio which made the conversation seem distant. There was then a que that introduced the next interview, this was not thought through as the que and the interview both included the interviewee’s name and this meant that it smelt repetitive and also badly written.There was background noise on the interview this was nice so it wasn’t silent, it was also subtle enough to not cause an issue with the quality of the interview.The starting question could have been edited so that the answer appeared to be more concise as there was an obvious amount of stumbling over the words. There was multi generational aspects within the interview as she mentioned different age ranges within the interview. The interviewee’s levels are always accurate and within the desired ranged, however the interviewers levels seemed to but obviously quieter with the questions, this could have been fixed in the edit again a lot of insight into the stall which is interesting because of the locality however it is a fashion show and would have been better to talk more about trends. This interview cuts off rather harshly and goes instantly back into the presenters which seems sudden and could have been better if there was a pause between the two, or if the background noise continued at the end of the interview.

When we came back to the conversation with emma, it brought back some excitement and interactively within the studio. The added effect of the sewing machine sound made this even more interesting to listen too. This lead onto a presenter conversation again the lead with failure and connected both the interviews rather well, it was interesting and excitement and allowed listeners to have a nostalgic element to the show.

Again like the last interview the interviewee introduced herself after the que involved her name. This interview was really interesting as it again contained elements of information was inclusive of different ages. However the levels were a bit low, this was notable when the interview started and should have been fixed in the edit. There is information about the shop as well as providing information about trends which meant that the interview worked well with the show. This then lead directly into a song.

This song was wrongly placed, it meant that there was then two songs place in the second half of the show when it was obvious of how much one was needed previously. Re que back was good as it contained previous information and then expanded onto the new topic of discussion well. This lead into presenter chat, this again had a conversational feel that stamped natural as apposed to scripted, it created topics of discussion that had the potential for humour as well. This created a separate topic of discussion which was scripted well and allowed it to lead into the next que for the Shoe stall in the market.

This interview could have been questioned better, the interviewer stumbled their own question but this could have been edited. The back ground ambience was effective as it allowed it to be more of an interesting piece as well, it also meant that the market was involved in the interview. The interviewer seemed to be rushing the questions. This was really informative.

The back ending for the show was really good, it was exciting and featured a next week information about what the next show was out. The music over the top of the sign off of the show made it seem more busy and exciting. There was reference back too the in studio guest and the sewing machine which further adde consistency to the show. Also though as an ending this was really effective and held a strong dynamic, the ending did feel somewhat rushed, but all together ended the show effectively.

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