Personal reflection

When the show was over, receiving feedback was incredibly appreciated, when we listened to what was said by siren it was great to receive this kind of praise. Our show was deemed multigenerational, which was our intention when creating the content as well as writing the script. In the talk after the show we discussed our own opinions on the show and talked about where we thought we went wrong and what we thought was good, this was then reiterated back to us from the tutor, further solidifying our own ideas about what we thought about the show.  The after show feedback reflected a lot of my own thoughts about the show, it was informative to read and did have some interesting points that were good to read when reflecting on my own performance. However it did make some points that were important about que’s and how to make sure we write them effectively for good radio practice as to make sure we aren’t ‘blocking’ the interviewee.

The show itself presented a lot of strengths, it had a variation of content that was appealing to all ages and was also exciting due to the information given and the on air interactions between guests and the presenters. The presenters them selves managed to create an exciting atmosphere for the show and meant that is was relaxed to listen too due to the obvious relationship between themselves. This presenter dynamic was continued through the whole show, this was really great as it made the show work really well. This presenter ease was also probably due to the use of a well written script that was obviously well known by both presenters and was projected in the show.  Combining the presenters with another the sewing machine guest was something that I thought worked really well as because of the potential for interactivity between listeners and the studio due too the ‘making’ element that was included due to this section of the show. Also I think that the presenters dynamic provided the show with a better dynamic as it was obvious they were friends and it is projected in the live show.

There were a couple of things that I think held the show back from its full potential. Predominantly i think the biggest weakness of the show was the live interview with Rose, this was because if bad management of the situation due to a lack of thought into the questions given, this meant that a potentially good interview was lessened in potential. This will probably also be due to lack of practise with interview because of the presenters not being practised in live interviews. Another aspect of the show that held some weakness where a couple of the pre-recorded interviews, for instance the shoe interview; although this was really interesting to listen too and relevant to the subject matter, the interview was unfortunately recorded with a rather loud ambiance. This would have been better if the interview had been conducted first in a quieter setting and then had the background noise of the shop recorded afterwords so that it could still provide the preferred wild track.

Next time when doing this show again I would do a few thing’s differently. Personally I would try to make sure that I have further practice in interviews, this would be through properly scripting questions so that they are more relevant to the conversation and also provide relation to the person who is being interviewed, I would also like to make sure that I have more time to work through the script so that feel more confident in my presenting. As well as this I’d make sure that I would looked more closely with the editing of the pre-recorded interviews so that they were of better quality and were consistent. It has become obvious that the people writing quest and the editors of the interviews haven’t had a close relationship as they haven’t been aware of the structure of the introduction. I think that it is the fine tuning aspects that I need to be aware of and improve.

As a whole the success of the show was based largely on the amount of contribution and the while dynamic of the group. The team as a whole and not just the live team managed to apply a great deal of work into this show meaning that it helped create the overall success of the show. The live team managed to create a great amount of effort with each other and the contribution to the team, this was both on the live show and in post production. There was a lot of co-ordination between interview set up with the presenters so that the were done effectively, and this has proved to me that it is important to make sure you have a good connection with the other presenter before the show goes live. The BA has supplied a lot of the editing which meant that everyone else could focus on their other priorities, this was great a as it was shown in the live show that he had familiarity over the pre-recorded material. Working with the producer was great in the live show as he managed to take control over the situation and work fast on his feet, everything was ran smoothly and worked well when the show was on and this was evident in the when the show ended. However the producer did limit himself as a lot of the producers roles were done by myself and others.

From this experience I have learnt that it is important to plan for everything possible, and to appeal to as man different people as possible. It has given me a lot of skills when coming to working in a specific team, it has proven to me how important it is for me to make sure that decisions are made early on so that its easier to progress on. It has also allowed me to work on other aspects of live radio that I didn’t know much about or have any intention of doing before hand, such as script writing, and ques.

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